Papa Stie Ceva?

Pozitia Bisericii Catolice e de impotrivire clara fata de folosirea prezervativelor, cu 2 ani in urma, un lider catolic promova ideea cum ca prezervativele sunt infectate cu HIV, acum, Papa Benedict afirma ca folosirea prezervativelor nu doar ca nu scade incidenta HIV/SIDA, dar o si creste. Hmmm…

2 raspunsuri

  1. Subiectul:

    Reactiile la naivitatile si iresponsabilitatile lui Benedict XVI au fost evident virulente:

    a) Rebecca Hodes, working in South Africa for the Treatment Action Campaign, was among the most trenchant critics.
    She described Pope Benedict’s remarks as „alienating”, „ignorant”, „pernicious”, „opposition to condoms conveys that religious dogma is more important to him than the lives of Africans”.

    b) French foreign ministry spokesman Eric Chevallier said: „While it is not up to us to pass judgment on Church doctrine, we consider that such comments are a threat to public health policies and the duty to protect human life.”

    c) Dutch Development Minister Bert Koenders said it was „extremely harmful and very serious” that the Pope was „forbidding people from protecting themselves”.
    „There is an enormous stigma surrounding the subject of Aids and Aids sufferers face serious discrimination,” he added.
    „The Pope is making matters worse.”

    d) In Berlin, German Health Minister Ulla Schmidt and Development Minister Heidemarie Wieczorek-Zeul said in a joint statement: „Condoms save lives, in Europe as well as on other continents.
    „Modern assistance to the developing world today must make access to family planning available to the poorest of the poor – especially the use of condoms.
    „Anything else would be irresponsible.”


    „The Catholic aid agency Cafod is bound to uphold the official teaching of the Church, and it makes clear that it does not fund or advocate the supply, distribution or promotion of condoms.”

    Un subiect interesant medicina & religie:

  2. teoria conspiratiei pare ca se adevereste din ce in ce mai mult. Daca mai continua, poate ii vor inchide gura de tot! in sensul de un AVC.

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