Acum este pauza de cafea. Au prezentat:
- Juergen Barnert (Augsburg) – Motility and transit in the small bowel
- Manferd V. Singer (Mannheim) – Alcohol and alcoholic beverages: their effects on secretion and motility of the stomach and the pancreas
- Adrian Goldis (Timisoara) – Sphincter of Oddi dysfunction
- Dan L. Dumitrascu (Cluj) – Testele respiratorii cu hidrogen in evaluarea infectiilor intestinale si a sindromului de intestin iritabil postinfectios
- Paul J. Porr (Sibiu) – The role of magnesium and zinc in functional disorders
- Radu Tutuian (Zurich) – Non-acid gastroesophageal reflux: more competent sphincter or less sensitive patient
- Valentina Tzaneva (Stara Zagora) – Postinfectious IBS
- Dorin Farcau (Cluj) – Motility studies in pediatric gastrointestinal diseases
- Otilia Fufezan (Cluj) – Real-time ultrasonography in diagnosis of lower esophageal sphincter disorders in infants and children
- Anca D. Buzoianu (Cluj) – Basic and clinical pharmacology of motility promoting agents
- Gunta Ancane (Riga) – Psychosomatic approach to the patients with functional gastrointestinal disorders.
- Mladenka Tkalcic (Rijeka) – Relation between general and disease-specific health related quality of life of patients with inflammatory bowel disease
- Laurentiu Nedelcu (Brasov) – Compliance to therapy in functional gastrointestinal disorders
- Alessandra Pokrajac-Bulian (Rijeka) – Intragastric ballon as a treatment of obesity: preliminary analysis of some psychological aspects
- Cristina Pojoga (Cluj) – Anxiety at colonoscopy
- Mircea A. Birt (Cluj) – The action of tricyclic antidepressants on guinea pig isolated ileum
- Cristian Barsu (Cluj) – Some Romanian contributions on the field of gastrointestinal motility and functional disorders including psychosomatic approach

Manfred V. Singer
Dan L. Dumitrascu
Paul J. Porr